This is Poetry Renaissance’s Manifesto:

Beauty is already saving the world. And you may contribute a verse.
Poetry is a word that plumbs the Mystery. Poetry seeks Beauty.
The ultimate purpose of Poetry is silence.
Poetry is a tree that has roots in the first human cry and spreads its branches towards the future. Its shadow saves us from the present.
Poetry is a living reality that needs space to live.
Poetry is a universal language.
Poetry has all the colors of all the skins, all the identities of each human. And it has none. Those who know Poetry are not afraid of diversity and do not look for the enemy in the different.
For its own free nature Poetry is politically incorrect.
No one owns Poetry. Anyone can call himself a poet. But not all poems are alike.
Those who write only for vanity are very far from Poetry.
Whoever writes a poem must first read a hundred.
Those who write without reading are very far from Poetry.
Everyone puts in Poetry what they can.